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Track if a user is idle and the last time they were active.

IsIdle tracks user activity and determines if they're idle based on a configurable timeout. It monitors mouse movement, keyboard input, and touch events to detect user interaction.


Idle: false

Last active: 0s ago

By default, the time of inactivity before marking the user as idle is 1 minute.

In this demo, it's 1 second.


		<script lang="ts">
	import { AnimationFrames, IsIdle } from "runed";
	const idle = new IsIdle({ timeout: 1000 });
<p>Idle: {idle.current}</p>
	Last active: {new Date(idle.lastActive).toLocaleTimeString()}

Type Definitions

		interface IsIdleOptions {
	 * The events that should set the idle state to `true`
	 * @default ['mousemove', 'mousedown', 'resize', 'keydown', 'touchstart', 'wheel']
	events?: MaybeGetter<(keyof WindowEventMap)[]>;
	 * The timeout in milliseconds before the idle state is set to `true`. Defaults to 60 seconds.
	 * @default 60000
	timeout?: MaybeGetter<number>;
	 * Detect document visibility changes
	 * @default false
	detectVisibilityChanges?: MaybeGetter<boolean>;
	 * The initial state of the idle property
	 * @default false
	initialState?: boolean;
class IsIdle {
	constructor(options?: IsIdleOptions);
	readonly current: boolean;
	readonly lastActive: number;